The Best Parents’ Day Gift
How God created parents (a rough estimate of ingredients):
2 tbsp: “you look great” dialogues that come in handy when kids dress
their worst
2.5 cups: “when I was your age” dialogues
Unlimited: love, sacrifice, affection and bear hugs
Imagine getting cast in a play you know nothing about. No script. No
audition. You have to carry it all on your shoulders and put your best self
forward all the time. There is no free pass. There is no excuse. Everyone
is watching as you play your part. They might hope you shine. They
might hope you don’t. But there is no exit door.
A parent(s) could be a solo act or a duo; a neighbour looking out for
someone else’s kids; the parent of another’s a best friend; a guardian or
a warden; or someone wearing the shoes that they weren’t planning on
stepping into. Yet, they continue to play the toughest role there ever
could be.

Parenting doesn’t come with a manual. Parents carry this responsibility
on their shoulders and pay attention to every single step they take
because it might seem like driving on the edge of a cliff. One wrong
move and everything could go downhill. As kids, we don’t understand
what goes on behind the scenes. We only see the smiles on their faces
and return the countless hugs.
the person you write those messages for is right beside you
Parents deserve an award of their own, don’t you think? If not an award,
the very least we can do is offer a compliment every single day. Often,
the power of words is lost in a chaotic mess that goes on in our heads.
Sometimes, one kind word of appreciation or “you’re doing the best you
can, thank you,” is all they need to hear. When you wonder what to get
them for their birthday or anniversary, you might buy what they wished
for. A compliment a day and hand-written letters of appreciation are the
treasures they will save. In tough times, especially when they need that boost of confidence, they will have your words to fall back on for confidence and comfort.
Parents don’t have superpowers, we know that. Yet, mom knows exactly
where that one sock has been hiding for the past three months and dad
will step in as the saviour of the day just as the slipper (or any other household item at hand) launches off mom’s hands and comes sailing
towards you. Don’t you think it’s time we started expressing the love we
feel for our parent(s) and parent figures to them instead of sharing it with
300 Facebook friends? After all, the person you write those messages
for is right beside you. I`ll begin the cycle and you take it forward.
Let the chain reaction begin!
“Thank you, for being my cheerleader always.”