Why songs by Jin from BTS feel like a warm hug after a long day

Erica D'souza
4 min readJul 11, 2023
Jin from BTS

Kim SeokJin is a member of the world-famous K-pop group, Bangtan Sonyeondan (aka BTS). I started listening to the group’s music back in 2019 when COVID-19 had us all bolted indoors. I was staying far from home, as a paying guest in a rent-a-room for women. While the street outside was silent, my laptop speakers blared Boy with Luv. I only listened to the song because I knew of Halsey.

As the joke goes amongst K-pop fans — I only wanted to know their names.

While I`m a fan of their music, this piece is not an attempt to recruit you into the BTS Army. It is to introduce you to songs that will feel like a garam chai (hot tea) on a rainy day, like your favorite drink that drowns the noise or that moment when your head touches your pillow and your body sinks into the mattress, the weight of the day evaporating.

That’s right. Jin’s songs have that power, in my opinion.

You can argue that you don’t know the language. And I`ll say, well you got Youtube, don’t you? Read the English translation once. How many of us understood Despacito and Gasolina the first time they played? Did we feel the vibe they delivered? Hell yeah!

Now, it is common in K-pop for a group to release an album with individual songs. So I`m going to go for a mix. I should specify right here that this in no way indicates that the other members or other artists don’t make great music. They do. But I`m starting with the one at the top of my playlist.

To make it easier, I`m going to list his songs, why I think the lyrics are important, and create a playlist for you to enjoy. Now don’t skip to the end. I`ll keep my commentary short. After all, only when you listen, you’ll understand.

#1 Epiphany — “I`m the one I should love in this world”

Everything about this song screams self-love. At this point, I`m willing to admit that this song is the reason I`m writing about all his songs. Even if you’re not one to believe in the concept of self-love, the lyrics are a reminder of how special you are, and hiding it to love or be loved is not worth it.
The song is from BTS’s Love Yourself Album

#2 Yours— “Every night I see you in my heart, every time I do, I end up crying”

The lyrics are a sad love story and encompass the feeling of being apart. It is the most heartbreaking lyrics of any of the songs combined and that’s why it also works as a warm hug when you need one.

The song is from the OST of the Kdrama, Jirisan.

#3 Abyss— “I don’t hear any sounds and I’m only walking in circles that dark place…But today, I’m yet again by your side”

To celebrate his 28th birthday, the World Wide Handsome idol delivered the gift of music to fans. While the artist is always hesitant to show his sad emotions, he went all out in this song.

The reason the song is on the list is because I think it communicates brilliantly how much seeing a person means to someone. This could be about not getting to see your favorite person enough or feeling stuck in a dark abyss that you can’t break away from.

The song is a solo release.

#4 Autumn outside the post office (cover)— “How long will beautiful things in the world stay?…Can everything under the sky stand alone?”

The song, to me, felt like the train of thought one has whilst waiting or watching everyone else in motion. It captures that feeling of standing tall and strong, come what may. But there’s a question there if everything under the sky needs to stand that strong or if can it drift away as people do.

This song was released as part of BTS’ 2018 Festa anniversary celebration and is not available on Spotify. The song was originally released in 1994 by Yoon Do-hyun.

#5 Moon — “You are my planet, I’m just a moon to you. You are my Earth, And all I see is you”

Find someone who writes love letters like Jin sings to his fans. Because this song, even if you’re not a fan, will sound like a confession to keep and stay close. In comparison to his other songs, this is more fast-paced and might have you belting the chorus together.

This song is from BTS’s album called Map of the Soul: 7

You can listen to the artist right here with many other songs that are not on this list — Go to Spotify.

If you enjoyed reading this, please let me know which song stood out to you and if there’s a favorite I missed. Would you like to see a part 2 or another playlist instead?

Let me know because the one thing I don’t mind sharing is my playlist.



Erica D'souza

Survival starter-pack : books, laptop, wifi and ramen!